
Asylum Attorney In Syracuse, NY

Under Persecution In Your Home Country? Asylum Might Be The Answer


If you or a loved one has undergone persecution or threats in your home country – or if you fear persecution if you would return – the United States government allows you to apply for asylum in the U.S. no matter what your immigration status, provided you meet certain criteria. The persecution must stem from your nationality, ethnicity, political opinions, religion, or your membership in a persecuted social group. Additionally, you will need to provide a sworn statement that explains why you left your home country and the reasons that you are afraid to return there. It’s a scary position to be in – and that’s why our immigration attorneys will stay by your side throughout the process, doing all we can to keep you safe from the situation in your home country that brought you to the U.S. in the first place. Don’t wait. Book your appointment with one of our compassionate immigration lawyers today.